26 Charging Locations
Our stations offer free cell phone charging at each location while offering advertisers an opportunity to engage and promote their business.
Over 5 Million Impressions / Year
We are the largest digital network in Halton Hills with some of our larger screens with over 50,000 cars that drive by everyday
3- Outdoor Digital Screens
-Located at:
-22 Milton St, Milton ON
8750 Regional Rd 25, Milton ON (Double Sided)
4 Big Screen TVS
Located in the Georgetown Mall Food Court (4 Screens)
Halton’s Economic Snapshot
- Population 610,517 (Halton Best Planning Estimates, 2019 forecast)
- 75% with post-secondary education
- Average Age 40.2
- Surrounding Market 10M
- Unemployment Rate 6.6%
- Average Household Income $139,000+
- #1 Lowest crime severity rate in Canada
- 13,580 businesses
- 225,000 jobs
- GDP $29.8B

Frequently Asked Questions
What file type/size are required?
Full Screen Video (Landscape) 1920 x 1080 resolution, .MOV, MP4, HDFLV (NO SOUND)
Images: (Landscape) Hi-res jpg, tiff, png, eps, minimum 16:9 ratio / 1920 x 1080 resolution @300ppi
Artwork supplied by client for Design by Scholz
1. Logos or photos: full colour or black & white…hi-re jpg, ai, png, eps 1920 x 1080 resolution @300ppi
2. Video clips – same as above
3. Special fonts, corporate colours and all proprietary graphic elements
4. Text: Word docs, RTF files