Maxx Charge offer a unique marketing and branding opportunity using Digital Screens and Cell Phone charging stations strategically located around Georgetown. We keep your customers happy and engaged by providing cell phone charging at each location and making sure your ads are always being watched multiple times throughout their visit.
22" + 55" Screens
Charging Stations
$150/all screens/month
- All locations for 22″+ 55″ included see map
- Min 3 Months comitment
- Ads are 20 Second in length
- **Ad Design not included
- 1 upload per term (25$ each additional)
Special Event
30 Day Promotion
$200/all screens per month
- All locations included see map
- Min 1 month commitment
- All Screens Inlcuded
- Post on Social Media and Website
- Mailer included
- Ads are 20 Second in length
- **Ad Design not included
- 1 upload per term (25$ each additional)
- If you are a charity we have a special rate
50" Screens
Georgetown Mall
$150/per month
- 4 Screens above food court
- Min 3 Month commitment
- Ads are 20 Second in length
- **Ad Design not included
- 1 upload per term (25$ each additional)
All Screens Georgetown
1 Year Contract
- All Screens for 365 Days
- Includes 4 Uploads per year
- **Ad Design not included
- Ads are 20 Second in length
- Event or ad listing online
- 1 Hour Business Consulation Included
- Monthly Payment Plan is available
**DESIGN : 1 Page design in JPG (logo to be supplied) $100.00 , Changes to orgigonal design is $25.00
My law firm, Lockyer + Hein LLP, has proudly been a client of Scholz Media for several years. MaxxCharge is very knowledgeable and effective in the digital marketing arena. It provides a smart, strategic and unique marketing product. We are very happy with the results and continue to advertise year over year.